Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday, 26th March 2009

okkk... so.... we havent been writing posts for a long long long time... well thts because...
1. nothing really funneh happened...
2. we are too busy
3. too much hw

well yeahhh... but good thing we got at least one or two funny things happen...

the story starts at this....
point... >> okk soo... today... english time... Ms Doris wanted the moneyy for the Students Handbook so yeahhh... then Bernard paid edi... but Ms Doris havent give the money to the office laa... then today... Bernard said he found his old Students Handbook... but he left it at home... so he told Ms Doris "Ms Doris I found my handbook but its at home so I dont want to waste my RM 10..." so Ms Doris was like " ookkkk... laaa... then I take RM 5 and you take RM 5 ok..? " then Bernard said... " yess... nooooooooo.... (in his weird slang) " lol weird but yeahh....

second story...
okkk... maths time.... Mr Sures was going around checking our Maths 2.... then suddenly.... Ken said " wah teacher teng rong sit like tau ke!" then Mr Sures was like " tau ke or tau ge? " then yeahh everyone laughed...

Third story...
During lunch time..... Ken wanted Mr Kuan to sit with him at the so called cool table laa.. but Mr Kuan dont want... so Ken take his food and drinks to the table la... then Mr Kuan moved... lol.. well its funny....this type of story must see want... well yeahhh...

okkk.... end of story for today! =D

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